About Per Karlberg

Per Karlberg, a technology executive with extensive expertise in the intersection of real estate and technology, boasts an impressive academic background. He holds a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management from The Faculty of Engineering at Lund University, specializing in Mathematical Modeling and Statistics. Additionally, he earned a Master of Science in Business and Economics from Lund University, focusing on Innovation and Strategic Management, and completed coursework at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. As the CEO of our company and with three years of experience as the Co-Founder of ProptechOS, Per Karlberg has demonstrated exceptional proficiency in the field. He possesses comprehensive knowledge of real estate technology and the challenges confronting the industry, having played a pivotal role in spearheading the development of ProptechOS. This system optimizes real estate portfolios by leveraging data mapping and IoT technology. Per Karlberg's involvement as the co-founder of RealEstateCore, an open-source domain ontology fostering control over buildings and the creation of new services, has significantly shaped his expertise in proptech and real estate technology. He has contributed to mapping existing standards to RealEstateCore, enabling its function as a bridge between prevailing standards and the identification of common denominators. A noteworthy part of his contribution is found in a paper he co-authored, entitled "The realestatecore ontology" published in the proceedings of the 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2019). This endeavor has been crucial in preparing buildings for interaction with Smart Cities and actualizing the potential of digital transformation and ESG breakthroughs within the real estate sector. For further information or professional inquiries, Per Karlberg can be contacted via LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/perkarlberg/

Release notes – version 4.2.6

In this release This version includes significant delete operations improvements and a couple of PATCH operation improvements. New functionality Hard delete Simple delete means that the twin is archived in the database. Hard delete means complete database removal of the twin without leaving any fallback copy (except snapshot history). Read more

By |2025-02-11T14:55:03+02:002022-07-14|Release Notes|

Release notes – version 4.2.5

In this release Even more collection improvements are introduced, and a new collection subclass: Region. New functionality Region Region - collection sub-class that allows grouping twins of classes RealEstate and Building. New endpoints to manage Regions are introduced: Include twins into region - PUT /json/region/{id}/include Exclude twins from region Read more

By |2024-02-23T16:07:01+02:002022-06-23|Release Notes|

Release notes – version 4.2.4

In this release New Collection sub-classes are introduced: Apartment, TenantUnit, SpaceCollection. User sign up functionality is added. New functionality Apartment Apartment - collection sub-class that allows grouping twins of types Building and BuildingComponent. New endpoints to manage Apartments are introduced: Include twins into apartment - PUT /json/apartment/{id}/include Exclude twins Read more

By |2025-02-11T14:54:08+02:002022-06-16|Release Notes|

Release notes – version 4.2.3

In this release New twin sorting functionality is introduced. New functionality Sorting Since this release it is possible to retrieve sorted paged data. By default all paged data is provided as an unsorted collection. In order to obtain paged and sorted data, a new query parameter ‘sort’ is introduced. Read more

By |2025-02-11T14:53:12+02:002022-05-26|Release Notes|

Release notes – version 4.2.2

In this release New functionality Twin status All twin types are upgraded with new property ‘status’ which describes if the twin is valid or not. Possible status values are: ‘Valid’, ‘Incomplete’, ‘Incorrect’, ‘SuspectedInvalid’. When a twin is onboarded and no status value is provided, ‘Valid’ status will be set Read more

By |2024-02-23T16:02:50+02:002022-04-28|Release Notes|

Release notes – version 4.2.1

In this release   New functionality Device Coordinates Devices (and subclasses Actuator and Sensor) have a new property ‘hasGeoReferenceOrigo’ to store its coordinates. In case of large devices, the coordinate should mark the south western corner of the device. The property accepts three coordinates (latitude, longitude, altitude above sea Read more

By |2025-02-11T14:52:37+02:002022-04-14|Release Notes|

Release notes – version 4.2.0

In this release Several new features for multiple areas of ProptechOS come with this release. One of the most significant improvements is the new opportunity to observe the twin lifecycle, with an audit trail. There is now a general view of all twins for quick high level info. Additionally Read more

By |2025-02-11T14:38:08+02:002022-03-31|Release Notes|

Release notes – version 4.1.0

In this release ProptechOS is migrated to the new Active Directory. This release will provide an opportunity to invite new users directly to the ProptechOS. Also in this release a new type of Collection - System, will be introduced. Apart from this, support of rec messages version 3.3 is Read more

By |2025-02-11T14:37:16+02:002022-02-28|Release Notes|

Join The Supply Side

Starting today, if the Stockholm area grid needs it, electric vehicle chargers will back off a bit, and building HVAC will go to low power mode for a while. Buildings and cars will be good citizens of the smart city. Bloomberg reported this week that "energy prices in Europe Read more

By |2025-02-11T15:05:42+02:002021-12-01|News|

Release notes – version 3.3.12

In this release Alias based actuation messages. New functionality Alias based actuation messages With this feature, ProptechOS can send RealEstateCore cloud to device  messages with actuator alias id instead of ProptechOS actuator ID in Actuation Command. That means the edge system does not need to keep a map of Read more

By |2025-02-11T14:07:20+02:002021-11-11|Release Notes|
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