In this release
Alias based actuation messages.
New functionality
Alias based actuation messages
With this feature, ProptechOS can send RealEstateCore cloud to device messages with actuator alias id instead of ProptechOS actuator ID in Actuation Command. That means the edge system does not need to keep a map of its own actuators and their ProptechOS IDs, but just receive actuation messages with its own ID.
To make sending of alias based actuation messages possible, Idun should update Device axiom with new relation to Edge alias object:
“aliasNamespaceId”: “3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6”,
“shortAlias”: “true/false”
Exhibit 1. Edge alias
New endpoints in admin api:
GET /device/{id}/edgealias
PUT /device/{id}/edgealias
Put endpoint updates device axiom and add edge alias object to it.
When Device has a relation to edge alias, then the alias id of Actuator that is a part of the alias namespace taken from edge alias object, will be used as actuator id in Actuation Command.
Alias id usually have next structure : baseUrl + id of device in external system
If “shortAlias” in Exhibit 1 is true, the short version of alias will be used. Short version of alias is an aliasId without baseUrl prefix.
If “shortAlias” is false, then long version of alias id is used, baseUrl + id of device in external system
{ “format”: “rec3.2”, “deviceId”: “f477898f-e5f0-4588-b351-81d8d9b0b12f”, “actuationCommands”: [ { “actuationCommandId”: “80304415-09a5-4c04-b422-e37ce18d5678”, “actuatorId”: “aJXPomU1gHDd7hY“, “value”: “21”, “actuationCommandTime”: “2021-11-09T15:25:27.6609585Z” } ] } |
Exhibit 2. Alias based cloud to device edge message(short alias = true)
“format”: “rec3.2”,
“deviceId”: “f477898f-e5f0-4588-b351-81d8d9b0b12f”,
“actuationCommands”: [
“actuationCommandId”: “80304415-09a5-4c04-b422-e37ce18d5678”,
“actuatorId”: ““,
“value”: “21”,
“actuationCommandTime”: “2021-11-09T15:25:27.6609585Z”
Exhibit 2.1. Alias based cloud to device edge message(short alias = false)
Breaking changes
Fixes and minor updated
Defect fixing and actuations stability improvements.