In this release

ProptechOS is migrated to the new Active Directory. This release will provide an opportunity to invite new users directly to the ProptechOS. Also in this release a new type of Collection – System, will be introduced. Apart from this, support of rec messages version 3.3 is added in the release.

New functionality

Agent management improvement

This release will allow to invite new users to the ProptechOS platform. Invitation functionality allows to set up new ProptechOS accounts and invite existing accounts to the new Property Owner. Newly invited users will receive email with accurate instructions on how to set up their accounts and how to start using ProptechOS. Newly invited users after accepting the invitation link will be suggested to fill in registration form (including password setup) and setup 2FA. Only Admins are authorized to invite new users.

  • Invite users POST /api/json/person/invite


A new type of Collection – System, has been added. The System Collection allows grouping of Devices and its subclasses. Systems can be local to a Building or a set of Buidlings or across the portfolio. For local systems, there can be multiple per Property Owner, but there can only be one non-local system per alias namespace (per kind).

New endpoints were added:

  • Include axioms into system – PUT /json/system/{id}/include
  • Import axioms into given system, based on AliasNamespace –

PUT /json/system/{id}/import

  • Exclude axioms from system – PUT /json/system/{id}/exclude
  • Find system based on filter – GET /json/system
  • Update existing full system – PUT /json/system
  • Register a new system – POST /json/system
  • Find a specific system GET /json/system/{id}
  • Delete a specific system – DELETE /json/system/{id}
  • Patch existing system – PATCH /json/system/{id}
  • Find axioms that are included in specified system – GET /json/system/{id}/includes

Rec messages 3.3

In this release we add support of Real Estate Core messages of version 3.3. A key difference to previous edge message formats is that the “quantityKind” field is no-longer required.

Breaking changes


Fixes and minor updated

Fixes of minor defects, performance improvements.